Lennart de GrootPaleomagnetic laboratory Fort Hoofddijk - Utrecht University


Lecturer for the following courses in the Bachelor and Master curricula in Earth Sciences, Utrecht University

2021 - today Guest lecturer for a ‘Natural Hazards’ course (~ 150 students, 2nd year BSc level). Lecture on Space Weather and the impact of geomagnetic storms; designing exam questions.
2020 - today Coordinator/lecturer for the BSc course 'Wiskunde voor Aardwetenschappers' (Mathematics for Earth Scientists) (7.5 ECTS, ~150 students and ~12 TA's per year). Developing course material; giving lectures; supervising TA's; making and grading exams.
2011 - today Lecturer for the MSc course 'Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism' (7.5 ECTS, ~25 students per year). (Re-)developing the course; designing course material; giving lectures; making and grading exams, presentations and essays.
2011 - today Lecturer/staff for the first years' BSc excursion to the Ardennes as part of the course 'System Earth' (~40 students and ~7 TA's per year). With one colleague a 3 or 4 days excursion is supervised. Field lecturing; supervising TA's; grading essays.
2016 - 2019 Lecturer for the BSc course 'Basis Wiskunde en Fysica' (Basic Mathematics and Physics) (7.5 ECTS, ~150 students and ~12 TA's per year). Developing course material; giving lectures; supervising TA's; making and grading exams.
2010 - 2012 Lecturer for the BSc course 'Wiskunde voor Aardwetenschappen' (Mathemathics for Earth Sciences) (3.75 ECTS, ~150 students and ~12 TA's per year). Desiging course material; giving lectures; supervising TA's; making and grading exams.